Nuffnang Ads

Friday, December 28, 2012

FFmpeg Installation

FFmpeg Installation for Windows

  1. Open command line prompt on Windows by typing "cmd" at run (Start Menu)
  2. At Command Prompt Windows, type cd/ (Change to C:\)
  3. mkdir FFmpeg (Make a new folder name FFmpeg at C:\)
  4. Extract FFmpeg file to C:\FFmpeg (DL Link :
  5. Edit Windows System Path to \bin (Refer to OpenCV tutorial on how to add environment system path)
  6. After done, restart command prompt windows by reopen it again 
  7. Type "ffmpeg -version" to check whether ffmpeg successfully link
  8. Create a "FFmpeg_Example" folder
  9. Put all your file inside the folder created
  10. cd FFmpeg_Example directory
  11. ffmpeg -i....... Start using ffmpeg library
Reference :

To change video to image frame
ffmpeg -i video.mpg Pictures%d.jpg


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